When you think about the insurance that you need, disability insurance might not be at the top of your list, but it should be. If you...
Critical Illness Insurance: What Is It? Who Needs It?
Critical Illness Insurance: What Is It? Who Needs It? If you’re lucky, you’ve probably never had to use critical illness insurance...
What is a 403(b) Retirement Plan?
What Is a 403(b) Retirement Plan? The term 403(b) plan refers to a retirement account designed for certain employees of public schools and...
Contingent Beneficiary vs. Primary Beneficiary?
Contingent Beneficiary vs. Primary Beneficiary? Contingent vs. Primary Beneficiaries Think of these beneficiaries as people standing in line. The primary person is at the head of the line. The contingent person is behind them and can only move forward if the primary...
Preparing For the Life Insurance Medical Exam
Preparing For the Life Insurance Medical Exam The idea of setting up an appointment for a medical exam for the sake of applying for a life insurance policy probably doesn’t sound like a great time. But don’t let the process deter you. A life insurance medical exam is...
162 Executive Bonus Plan Using an Annuity Overview Only
162 Executive Bonus Plan Using an Annuity Overview Only A 162 Executive Bonus works for business owners because the business gets a full tax deduction for the bonus paid into the annuity. The executive takes the bonus into income in the current year. The bonus applies...
Tax Considerations – Individual Disability Premiums Information Overview Only
Tax Considerations – Individual Disability Premiums Information Overview Only When someone purchases individual disability insurance, premiums are generally not deductible for federal income tax purposes. However, the rules vary when individual disability...
Section 162 Executive Bonus Plans Information Only Overview
Section 162 Executive Bonus Plans Information Only Overview What is a 162 Executive Bonus Plan? A 162 Executive Bonus plan allows a business to provide life and/or disability income insurance to key executives using tax deductible dollars. Insurance policies...
Anti-Money Laundering Training – How and Why?
Anti-Money Laundering Training – How and Why? What is AML training? 00:58Money laundering is the process by which criminals disguise the proceeds of their crimes in order to make them appear legitimate or legally earned. The act of money laundering is often linked to...